Last Updated on Jan 10, 2022

A Successful Naval Academy Essay Example

The following is an essay from a midshipman who won an engagement to Annapolis in the by few years. Want to know what makes an constructive essay? We intermission down this successful essay and give you specific commentary as to why the response is effective. For information on all the Naval Academy awarding requirements, read our Ultimate Guide to getting into the Naval Academy.

The Prompt:

In a well-organized essay of a full of 300 to 500 words, please hash out both of the post-obit:

(ane) Draw what led to your initial involvement in the naval service and how the Naval Academy will help yous achieve your long-range goals, and

(2) Describe a personal experience you have had which you feel has contributed to your ain graphic symbol development and integrity.

The Answer:

My want to serve my country is one that has developed over time through my experiences at domicile and in the community. Becoming an officer in the Navy would be both great laurels and responsibility and one that I am prepared to undertake.
In order to make that statement, I get-go needed to better understand what life would exist like as a Naval University midshipman and future Navy ensign.   I had an action programme to discover out more.   Start, I visited the University of Tampa Naval ROTC program and talked to midshipmen and the officer staff about what life would be like equally a midshipman.   I also attended the USNA Summer Session last summer to acquire more about officer candidate grooming and future naval officership.   I take spoken to several naval officers almost my chosen career as a nuclear submarine officeholder and learned much about the responsibleness and standards that will be demanded of me leading coiffure members driving, powering, and arming these advanced vessels.  It is an awesome responsibleness that I want to offset with my enrollment at USNA. I take tried to style my life to work on increasing my responsibility and modeling selfless service to others that is the hallmark of a Navy officer.  I am a caregiver for my brother Peter, who has a significant intellectual inability and autism. My parents both have jobs that require early starts and frequent travel, so I have care of Peter before and after schoolhouse each mean solar day, and also help with his care on weekends and holidays. My care includes getting Peter to and from school, helping him get dressed, meal preparation, medications, and overall supervision for safety. There are aspects of this that are tough. It has meant that I can't join clubs or sports that meet before or later schoolhouse, that I take to stay patient and calm fifty-fifty when Peter is having a really difficult day, and that I always demand to put his safety and well-existence ahead of all else. The experience has taught me the importance of selfless service and leadership at home, and I accept learned that service to others isn't always easy or fun, but that it ever the correct thing to practice.

I have too embraced increasing responsibleness through scouting past obtaining the rank of Hawkeye Lookout man.  It was in the Scouts, through service projects that benefited the customs, face to face mentoring of younger scouts, and edifice a cohesive and cocky-sustaining unit, that I learned that leadership was the way to serve others and to put their good before my ain.

Condign an officeholder and submariner in the Navy would exist an honor and privilege. The years I have spent growing as a leader at home and in scouts has shown me the importance of service and I look forward to pursuing future service to my country starting as a midshipman at the Usa Naval Academy.


Detect that this essay is not a laundry list of what the candidate did in loftier school but rather what the candidate did to find out more most what life would be like equally a midshipman and an officer in the Navy. The candidate visited the closest Navy ROTC programme to talk with officers and officer candidates. Even better (or equally an boosted step) would have been for the candidate to visit a Naval Reserve unit. Yous tin can discover a list of units here (they are nationwide)

The candidate also talked well-nigh other experiences such as the USNA Summertime Seminar and other tangible things he did to notice out more than about life at USNA and as an officer in the Navy. The 2d paragraph then gets at the 2nd question. Brand certain you tell a story and brand it inspiring. Emphasize selfless service and putting others alee of oneself. Officers in the Navy atomic number 82 by example and care for their sailors. Mission beginning—People always. Cease the essay with perhaps a brief summary of your leadership and other things you take done but conclude forcefully with your excitement and desire to serve others as an officer in the Navy.

Learn Which Sources to Employ to Help You Write Your Awarding Essays

Final Thoughts on Writing Your Naval Academy Application Essays:

The key to this essay is to do tangible things to learn more most being a Naval officeholder. The all-time way to do this is to ask serving or retired Naval officers how they would answer this question. By visiting Navy ROTC programs, Navy Reserve units, and talking with officers, y'all show that you went the extra mile to learn more than most the Navy and officership. In the 2d role of the essay, be memorable. Emphasize selfless service and putting others before yourself. Conclude the essay telling the commission you are excited about serving as an officer in the Navy. Yous tin also read our tips on congressional nomination essays hither.

If you practice the higher up things, you lot are that much closer to a Naval University appointment!

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